Saturday, 15 May 2010

Art of the Ruin - Review

The first track "breathe" nosedives straight into the killer action, this is no exception for the rest of the song, the deafening but somehow self-craved vocal sound of their singer keeps you begging for more during the lyrical gaps. This is a non-stop 3 and a half minutes of pure energy, power and aggression and my oh my isn't it good? Check it out for yourself you won't be dissapointed. You can't escape the drive, with a drum fill at 2.30 which to me sounds like heaven and hell incorporated, a guitar riff to die for and the backing vocals which help to cement this as a piece of musical brilliance, fantastic onto to track 2!

"Eyes wide shut" couldn't be better surely? I do disagree, if you are a really of heavy rock/metal gigs then you'll forsee standing beside a mosh pit whilst the guitar encapulates your adrenaline before kicking off. Keeping a similar musical feel to it's predeccesor, this too is a rather noteworthy track, just under 8 minutes for the two tracks, definately worth checking out. I am looking forward to some more for 'The Art of the Ruin' boys!

Check the band out here:

Bumblechook Promotions

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